“I started working here in 1988 as an aerobic instructor. In 1995, there was an opening posted for a part-time system administrator, which I applied for and got the job. Then in 2008, I became full-time as the IT director. The job kept evolving over the years. I feel like I am a support person for the staff here and a resource for technological solutions. I like the people here and the fact that the Y is in my neighborhood. I was a very active member here before I became an aerobic instructor. My kids all participated in the swim team here, we all did something here. I took on the financial assistance program a little over two years ago. It’s an eye-opener to see the need that exists in our community. Living here, we don’t realize the struggles of the people we see on a daily basis. Every once in a while, I’ll send a letter to someone letting them know what scholarship they were awarded, and I’ll get the best response from them – that it’s making a difference in their life. It can be very rewarding. This is the one aspect of my job where I’m not helping the staff and am helping people in the community.”