“I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, and was always a big fan of boxing. Back in the ‘80s and ‘90s, I took a boxing class at the Greenwich YMCA, which was led by professional boxer Ron Casella. I met a great bunch of friends there. This really got me connected to the Y.

I also have a connection to the YWCA. When I was younger, I had very serious ambitions in the golf business – I have had both amateur and professional status in the PGA – and I gave golf lessons at the YWCA in Greenwich in the late 1960s.

I moved to this area in 1998 after I got married. The reason I originally joined this Y was because in the early 2000s, I had to have hip replacements and wanted to swim to help with my recovery. I was swimming here 3, 4, 5 days per week. Later, I started playing Pickleball here, which connected me to a really great group of people.

I’ve been a member now for 10-12 years, and started working here a few months ago in the Wellness Center. I love the Y. Everyone here is so friendly, both the members and the people that work here.”